Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Los Musicos Part Dos

Wouldn't you know? Less than 24 hours after I write about my favorite bands of all time.. .I find out that 2 of them are playing at the huge (and hugely expensive) Sasquatch Music Festival! Am very tempted to go.... (C'mon! R.E.M AND The Cure? When does that happen?) There are quite a few other bands that I like too (Death Cab for Cutie, Teegan and Sara, The Kooks) so I guess we'll see if any of my friends are equally tempted to a.)spend close to $70 and b.)drive past Ellensburg for a festival! (I have a feeling that REM and the Cure will be on different days though; no way can I spend $160!!!)

Check it out:


illahee said...

wow, that looks great! if i were there, i'd go with ya!

love R.E.M., too. also MIA fans in this house. (well, mostly yoshi, but i do like me some good techno... lol)

Dana, Founder of Crafty Cakewagon and The Creative Parent said...

I like her too! I might actually be going. :) Payday is tomorrow, after all!