Friday, March 7, 2008


Arrgh!@ I had a whole post here, and now it is gone, gone, gone.

Basically... I finally succumbed to the power of my friend Naty and joined Facebook. I have been very anti-that-sort-of-thing for quite a while (especially due to the preponderance of myspace, and all the 20somethings with 5 million friends, all of whom they've never met) but she convinced me. See, she lives in Ithaca, NY now.. .and I don't see her so much. (obviously) She uses it to upload pictures, rather than send them out in emails all the time; and I get that. So, now I'm there, I can see her pictures, and I think I have 7 friends! (all of which I know in real life)

I also had a very weird dream last night involving my best friend, her baby and husband, a cougar (who understood and obeyed French) and the brother of a former friend of mine. Oh, and a shopping mall. No celebrities this time though!

1 comment:

illahee said...

ok, i think it's official: i'm the last person (on the internet) under the age of 50 who isn't on facebook. viva la kristin! (or something.)

p.s. you can check out my photos on flickr.